Diagnostic methods used for the detection of Theileria equi: review of the last decade
Theileria equi, equine piroplasmosis, PCR, cELISA, blood smearAbstract
Theileria equi is one of the aetiological agents responsible for EP and is transmitted by ticks to horses, mules, donkeys and zebras. Clinical signs are often nonspecific and can easily be confused with other pathologies. Although acute, sub-acute and chronic forms have been described, the most common situation in equines is that of asymptomatic carrier, characterized by undetectable or extremely low parasitaemia and lack of clinical signs. Identification of the parasitic agent can be done both by direct methods and by molecular and serological methods. This study aims to identify the most commonly used diagnostic methods of EP with the highest specificity and sensitivity and the fewest limitations. In order to achieve the aim of this study, a systematic database search was carried out, resulting, after a preliminary selection, in a total of 97 publications considered eligible. It was concluded that molecular diagnostic methods can overcome many of the limitations of traditional methods and are essential to identify and distinguish genotypes of T. equi. Nonmolecular diagnostic methods may lack sensitivity and specificity, but they are still widely used and useful to support clinical and epidemiological research.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Simona Giubega, Cristian Dreghiciu, Marius Stelian Ilie, Gheorghe Darabus

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